Spring glass stop
December 10, 2023
DOGA marine windshield wiper
December 10, 2023Related products
TMC watertight windshield wiper motor
100% stainless, for bulkhead mounting up to 50-mm thickness, high-power motor for long operation. Fitted with adjustable cams for different wiping angles: 80°- 100°- 110°- 120°; […]
Light prism
19.050.00 mm133×265 FrameChromed brass 19.050.01 mm124X260 FrameSS
Black chromed stainless steel wiper blade for DOGA wiper arms
19.616.50 Length mm500 For windshield wipers19.950.62; 19.950.63 19.616.60 Length mm600 For windshield wipers19.950.62; 19.950.63 19.617.70 Length mm700 For windshield wipers19.950.62; 19.950.63